Tuesday, April 5, 2011

"Everybody knows...

...It sucks to grow up
And everybody does
It's so weird to be back here.
Let me tell you what
The years go on and
We're still fighting it,
we're still fighting it." - Ben Folds

This is a great song. Go listen to it.  Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqPwR39VMh0

I realized tonight that one year from now, I will be preparing to graduate from undergrad.  The moment I realized that, it absolutely terrified me.  Something about being out of what has come to be the very welcome and comfortable world of Illinois State seems daunting.  I know I felt the same way about high school.  It's just the thought of moving on again after three short years is scary.

I spent 18 years in one town. I got incredibly comfortable in who I was there and how I fit into everything.  By the time college came, I was more than ready for the escape.  Now, I am sitting here amazed at how quickly almost two years have gone by.  I am just beginning to find my place here, and I know the next year is going to fly by because I will be busier than ever.  Then I will move on.  I guess that is how this whole "adult" thing works.  Even scarier is knowing that I have no clue where I will be after next year.  I have no idea where I will go to law school, or which ones I will even be able to afford, but we will cross those bridges when we get there.

I am consumed with work right now.  I have so many things due next week, that I am not sure how it will all get done.  My life is on the fast track through the second week of May, and I am just hanging on and hoping I don't fall off the crazy merry-go-round that I'm spinning on.  I have consistently procrastinated each assignment, but like I always do, I will pull through and get everything done.  Again, I guess that's just something that I have to get used to as an "adult".

But like Ben Folds says, I'm "still fighting it."

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