Sunday, March 20, 2011

"Live in the active voice, rather than passive. Think more about what you happen than what is happening to you." - William de Witt Hyde

Throwing paint.  It's something I've always wanted to do.  Ever since watching The Princess Diaries as a little kid, I have wanted to fill balloons with paint, hang them on a canvas, and throw darts at them.  It is the sort of controlled chaos that defines my life.  The thing is, I have never actually done it.  Sure, I have made plans to, and I always say it's something I'm going to eventually do, but I still haven't done it.  School, my summer job, and a bunch of other things always made me push it back as something I would do later. 

That's what this blog is going to be about.  Not throwing darts at paint balloons necessarily, (I will hopefully be able to post about doing that sometime in the next year, though), but all the things I put off and push into the back of my mind because I am too busy or too tired.  Yes, things are crazy right now.  I have a lot of school work that needs done and the LSAT to study for.  I am looking for a job, figuring out what my summer is going to entail, working on what I need to move into the apartment in June, and getting ready for my first rent payment in a couple of weeks.  But, I also spend hours of my day on Facebook doing nothing.  I could be spending that time taking charge of my life and doing something I love. 

There are many things I want out of this life; many things that I want to do that I have never told anyone about.  I love writing.  I think one of the coolest things I could ever do would be to write a book, screenplay, stage play, or something like that.  I could easily be working on something like that right now.  I want to be more confident, get in better shape, and be an overall more productive member of this world.  That isn't something I have to put off until later.

I am sick of waiting for my life to begin.  In high school I was waiting for college.  Now I am waiting for law school.  In law school I will be waiting for the real world.  I refuse to just float along until then.  I am deciding right now to take charge of my life.  This can be the moment I look back on later to know when everything started to change.  I'm going to start throwing my paint, living in the active voice.  I can't wait to bring people along for the ride.

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